Frequently Asked Questions

Our great staff is happy to answer any questions and connect you with the great product and service producers to ask.

Where do we order these great products?

Products and Services are linked directly to the maker or service provider. You will be connected and have a great source for more information on your favorite products.

Is the Healthy Shopping Expo an online shopping experience?

Yes the Healthy Shopping Expo is an online shopping experience designed to be a marketplace similar to your favorite expos.

How do you choose which products and services are offered on the Healthy Shopping Expo website?

The staff at the Healthy Shopping Expo review all applications and decide on approval with a goal of offering healthy products not found in the local grocery store. We also reserve the right to refuse any product or service we do not feel is health focused.

General Enquiries

General Enquiries

Contact Us Anytime with questions.
Product Returns

Product Returns

Contact the Manufacturer directly for any returns and for specials.


Healthy Shopping Expo is the marketplace to connect you to your favorite products and services.